31 okt 2008

Rondo of Doom

The politics of divide and conquer really got started with Lee Atwater in 1988 - but it was perfected by Newt Gingrich, Tom Delay, Trent Lott, Bill Frist, Dick Armey and host of other sociopaths in 1994, perfectly cloned specimens of arrogance, vile and poison straight from the Reagan era, wrapped up in old time religion. It was man the torpedoes and full speed ahead - destroy all targets.
These villains promised the world to their constituents, but their real focus was the demonization of their enemies (e.g. The Democrats). While they delivered practically nothing on their promises (but of course said they did), the demonizing part succeeded beyond their wildest dreams. We began 12 years of a complete us vs. them method of governance. There was no big tent -- just a big cesspit.
All campaigns are nasty - that is part just part of the SOP. But for some reason 2008 seems particularly more mean spirited and vitriolic that the norm. Partly because we quickly forget how bad the past ones were. But more because we see the nastiness every day -- sometimes 20 times per day - on the countless news and information outlets that are clamoring to air this crap in the hope of selling more commercials for a few more bucks. The word "news" just doesn't exist anymore -- the Making of the President 2008 is pure soap opera - a really bad version of Peyton Place.
The name calling and character assassination from the right is at an all time high - Democrats are not tax and spend anymore - those would be kind words. To the Republican party anyone on the left is a socialist, a communist, is godless or just plain old anti-American. The GOP does hatred with such aplomb, it is as if they all went to the Lee Strasberg School of Method Acting - they are their characters. Rest assured there is not one iota of guilt in their collective brains - the hate and lies are spewed as if there are no repercussions to this kind of talk. Neither Michele Bachmann nor Sarah Palin have absolutely one shred of guilt in their conscience after labeling half of this nation as traitors. In fact, they are proud of it. Liddy Dole thinks it is just fine to call Kay Hagan godless. And when any of them are caught in their own words - they just lie to deflect all responsibility. Even if they are called on their lies -- they just lie some more.
The Republican party - which has proven to be nothing more than a bunch of fascist brown-shirts - will not go gently into the night - win or lose. The current crop of GOP leaders and loyalists are not driven by love of their country, they do not desire a better life for our society as a whole and they have a deep-seated hate towards intellectual progress. These 21st century Republicans are completely driven by the base emotions of power, greed and evil. Look at how people like Michele Bachmann, Liddy Dole, Norm Coleman and Scott Garrett have been talking to their constituents - saying that electing anyone other than themselves is tantamount to putting enemies of the state in office. And in this season political kabuki, they are ready to pull down the whole country if they slip from the reins of power.
This is more than governing by fear, it is brainwashing. We are the Manchurian Nation. Only it is not Angela Lansbury showing the Queen of Diamonds to Laurence Harvey. We have Sarah Palin winking to Rich Lowry and millions of other hard-up Republicans on national television giving them their cue to begin the "plan of action."
Where did this country go wrong? Even under Nixon and Reagan - two pretty loathsome characters - it was not this bad. Yes they cheated and lied and stole - but I don't remember the country being so split as it is now. I don't remember people hating each other so much because of their President.
The politics of divide and conquer really got started with… (go to Start to continue)

