6 okt 2008

Obama, McCain Clash Over Job Losses

Obama fans in Alaska
(AP) Democrat Barack Obama used word of the nation's worst monthly job loss in over five years Friday to argue the polices of his Republican opponents "are killing jobs in America every single day." Republican John McCain retorted that Obama's tax and spending plans won't solve the problem.
The government reported employers cut 159,000 jobs last month, the ninth straight month of job losses for a total of almost 800,000. The crowd gathered to hear Obama at a Pennsylvania high school football field booed when he told them the numbers and again when he told them McCain recently said the economy is fundamentally strong and has made great progress under President Bush.
The Illinois senator encouraged voters to change the Republican leadership in the White House that he said hasn't worked. He disputed McCain running mate Sarah Palin's claim in a debate Thursday night that own spending plan would be a job killer.
"When Sen. McCain and his running mate talk about job killing, that's something they know a thing or two about," Obama said. "Because the policies they've supported and are supporting are killing jobs in America every single day."
Hours later at a town hall meeting in Pueblo, Colo., McCain himself said Obama's plans would hurt the economy.
"He wants higher taxes, more government, higher spending, and frankly that record is not something which has been good for America and we won't let it happen," McCain said.
Obama is proposing tax increases only for those earning more than $250,000 but would cut taxes for those making less - details that McCain and Palin don't mention.
You can check the plans of Obama on his website to find the truth about what Obama's plans are.
